Wheat (गेहूँ) - HD-2967

1. Growth Duration: 115-125 Days

  • HD-2967 takes around 115 to 125 days from sowing to harvest, making it a medium-duration wheat variety.
  • This duration fits well in areas where the growing season lasts around 4 months, making it ideal for late November to early December sowing and harvesting in April.

2. Climate Adaptability

  • HD-2967 is well-suited for regions with temperate climates, especially those that experience mild winter temperatures and moderate rainfall.
  • It performs well in both irrigated and rainfed conditions, though irrigation during critical growth phases can help achieve higher yields.

3. Disease Resistance

  • This variety is resistant to common wheat diseases, including yellow rust, brown rust, and leaf blight.
  • Its disease resistance reduces the need for chemical control and contributes to more sustainable farming practices.

4. Grain Quality

  • HD-2967 is known for its medium-hard grains, which have good milling qualities, making it suitable for producing high-quality flour.
  • The grain has a higher protein content, which is ideal for bread-making and other wheat-based products.

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